Freshman Orientation

Der Start ins Studium ist für viele eine große und verwirrende Umstellung. Wie komme ich an meinen Stundenplan? Was für Kurse habe ich überhaupt? Und was zum Teufel ist ein TRE/PHYS/E? Um all diese Fragen zu beantworten und Kontakte für zukünftige Fragen zu knüpfen, organisieren die Fachschaftsräte (FSRe) der Universität jedes Jahr die sogenannte Erstsemestereinführung, kurz ESE. In diesen zwei Wochen finden jeden Tag Veranstaltungen statt, bei denen ihr die Uni, die Stadt, eure Kommilitone*innen und den Fachschaftsrat kennenlernen und vor allem all eure brennenden Fragen stellen könnt. Die Veranstaltungen selbst sind sehr unterschiedlich, von Grillen an der Elbe, über Spieleabende bis zu Touren durch die Neustadtkneipen und Studiclubs der Stadt ist alles dabei. Selbst wenn du einfach nur gerne läufst und Bier trinkst, gibt es eine Veranstaltung für dich. Also kommt gerne vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch!

Barbeque ahead of the ESE

Time from 18:00

Ort: Elbwiesen bei der Marienbrücke (51.061288, 13.734044)

Self catering barbecue at the Elbe river

The freshman orientation weeks (ESE) traditionally begin with a cozy barbecue on the Elbe River. This is your first opportunity to get to know your fellow students and the student council in an informal atmosphere. Self Catering is the order of the day, so be sure to bring your own barbecue, dishes and drinks (we will provide a basic supply of the latter). Otherwise, of course, a picnic blanket and things like card games, spike ball, etc. are worth bringing. Also, be prepared for it to get chilly, so bring warm clothes. 
We are looking forward to seeing you. 


Time TBA

Ort: TBA

Game night at the students club HängeMathe

Time from 18:00

Ort: Club HängeMathe

The student clubs are an important part of university life. On Wednesday we want to show you our unseren most beloved student club: HängeMathe Let's spend a fun evening together full of fun, games and great conversation. The HängeMathe Table Soccer, Crokinole, Darts, places to sit in- and outside and a colorful mix of alcoholic and alcohol free drinks for low prices.The student coucil (FSR) also provides some snacks. 🙂

In addition, you can also expect on this evening a small Presentation of the FSR. We'll tell you what's in store for you over the next few months and what you should keep in mind during your time at the university. We will also briefly introduce ourselves and our work and give you some useful tips along the way. The presentation also has room for your burning questions regarding your studies and the university life, which you are eager to ask 

Neustadt Pub Tour

Time 19:30

Meeting place: Bus Stop Albertplatz

Studying without bars is like jogging without underwear. You can do it, but it's not pleasant. That's why we want to use the "Pub Tour" ("Kneipentour") to show you the nicest Bars in the Neustadt while you get to know your fellow students. You will be divided into several small groups, which will be led by 2 students from higher semesters. We have a colorful selection of tours, where there is something for everyone. Each group has a different motto: Sports tour, Beer tour, Cocktail tour, Retro tour and a "Späti" (open late store) tour.

You can sign up for the tours from the beginning of the barbeque on monday 25.09. on Opal. 

The link will be available here.

Drink and Run

Time 14:00

Meeting place: Trefftzwiese (lawn) in front of the Trefftz building

Drink and Run - the name ist (almost) self explainatory. You like walking (not running), but also want to, wollt euch aber eigentlich zum Freitagnachmittag schonmal get drunkon a friday afternoon? Then this event is perfect for you. We will walk until the beer cases are empty, und aus Sternburg Sterne werden, die über euren Köpfen schweben. Wir werden, bevor es losgeht, die Vorräte für diese Reise besorgen und uns dann vom Hopfentee führen lassen. Wer weiß was für Abenteuer uns erwarten.

Bike tour

Time TBA

Meeting place: TBA


Time 14:00

Meeting place: Recknagel building entrance D

At the beginning of your studies, it is not always very clear where everything is exactly on campus and which important places you should know. So for you to get to know the campus a little, there is the Campusrallye, where you will solve riddles in groups to find and get to know the most important buildings on the campus. Above all, you will learn whether and why the respective buildings are important for your studies. It is best to bring a good mood and a bag for goodies. The best team can also win a small prize. 

Student Club tour

Time 19:00

Meeting place: Recknagel building entrance D

The Student Clubs... An important part of student culture in Dresden.
The only thing they have in common is that they are run by students. In some there is more dancing, in others more playing, enjoying the pub atmosphere or watching movies. On this evening they are all open and students from different disciplines are out to get to know them. We will divide you into small groups and then you can explore the clubs together with 2 older supervisors (and especially drink beer but also Fritz-Cola 😉 ).
No registration is necessary for this event, so feel free to just drop by. However, it's best to be on time so you can join a cool group.

Quiz mit dem Mathe FSR

Time TBA

Ort: TBA


Time ab 10:00

Ort: Club Hängemathe

Party - Talk - Eat - Play - HäMa (works way better in german). The name actually reveals everything that will happen. We want to spend a whole day together on the meadow behind the HängeMathe and in the club itself lying around, cooking, eating and in between doing whatever comes to mind. So far that is: frisbee, spikeball, table tennis, volleyball, viking chess, flunkyball, beer cap flinging, ... As you see, boredom is very unlikely. Additionaly we will invite some older students , because connecting with them can be very helpful, and most of all fun.

We will organize the lunch materials and cook it together. And you can eat your fill (while supplies last). In the evening we will hold a barbeque, for this, bring what you want to eat. We probably will have some tasty things as well. In the Afternoon we will stream the formal matriculation ceremonysomehow; Maybe during this, there will be some nice waffles

So let's spend a full day together before the next day's faculty induction awaits you. You can find more info about it at: Studienstart Physik

Faculty Presentation

On Friday there is the faculty introduction, here the dean of studies tells you a lot about your studies. Here you can find all informations regarding this event.

Chilling on friday

Time ab 13:30

Ort: Trefftzwiese (lawn) in front of the Trefftz building

If the faculty presentation did not answer all your questions, fear not! On the lawn in front of the Trefftz building, you will be awaited by some older students, who can hopefully answer all questions, that you are waiting to be answered. Also there is free coffee, tea, cakes and snacks,as well as places to sit and play games. So feel free to join us, enjoy the sun and get to talk with your fellow students. 
In the case of bad weather, we will be in the Recknagel Building, REC/D016 and the (opposite room) student councils office


Time TBA

Meeting place: TBA